This site is for P2P development and test software ONLY!

eMule 0.49c Apace V1.5



+ Clients share visibility added to design-settings
+ Fixed Single Shared Files
+ Some optimization from 0.49c ZZUL BastarD 1.9.8/CB
+ XPMenu (change your favorite colors in extended prefs)
+ Queuesize PS clients excluded (old overflow settings removed)
+ Community excluded from Captcha
+ Added default URL for Nodes.dat
+ Changed default URL for Server.met
+ Updated miniupnpc from v1.60 2008/02/21 to v 1.80 2009/04/17
+ Country Flags in KAD window switchable to save cpu
+ Max Slotspeed
+ Changed/removed TransferWindow sideframes [idea jerryBG]
+ New Toolbar
+ Toolbar Skinable [idea from old X-Ray v0.3/changed morph4u]
+ Fadeout on Exit
+ Fix StatsInterval (was not saved)
+ Fix SplitterControl for ATWL with Commlist
+ Fix FakesDatVersion (was not saved)
+ Fix for ZZUL code Sort Prio
+ Removed ini+ class (have no utf8 support)
+ Codechange to remove delay after closing optionswindow
+ Codechange to support utf8 in nickname again
+ OldStyle StatisticsWindow (switchable)[TK4]
+ Downloaded HIstory
+ Powershare in StatsisticTree/Graph
+ Fix in Commlist


