eMule 0.49c -XdP- 5.1 RC1 By umeK
ADD : see own credits (VQB)
ADD : new Feature "A4AF-Push" (umeK)
ADD : improved SkipDupcheck (WiZarD)
ADD : Kick after StrictLimit is reached switchable [Kick System] (umeK)
CHANGE : reworked the CreditSystem (umeK)
CHANGE : little optimizations on NickAddon-Thief (umeK)
CHANGE : some things changed on XS system (umeK)
CHANGE : changed manual Kicksystem [added max. Uploadtime] (umeK)
CHANGE : changed two ToolbarIcons (umeK)
CHANGE : small changes on Kadcode (umeK)
CHANGE : expand Reask Management [adapt to ClientAnalyzer] (umeK)
CHANGE : changed Smart Credit-Push [Pushfactors & adapt to ClientAnalyzer] (umeK)
CHANGE : adapt A4AF-Push to ClientAnalyzer (umeK)
CHANGE : make SrictLimit Option switchable [Upload Management] (umeK)
REMOVE : removed Feature "Boost good Uploader" [new CreditSystem does the job] (umeK)
REMOVE : removed Option "Don't send XS" (umeK)
FIX : added Vista sensing Fix for SysInfo (pP)
FIX : FriendFix (WiZarD/zz_Fly)
FIX : Memory Leak on Low ID Smart Check (?)
FIX : Wrong Hover FiX (WiZarD)
OPTIMIZE : updated/optimized DynamicBlockRequests (netfinity/umeK)
OPTIMIZE : added cleaner server remover (WiZarD)
OPTIMIZE/FIX/CLEANED : many other things around the Mod....
eMule 0.49c SBI Leecher 2.01
based on emule 0.49c (original)
-add spooky mode [serverwindow/sbi controll]
-show users ip [transferwindow]
-add reconnect on low id [switchable]*
-add fake rank start value [switchable]*
-add fake rank update time [switchable]*
-add auto drop ranking QR>x [switchable]*
-add auto drop ranking time [switchable]*
-add ranking value for button & auto drop [switchable]*
-add file reask time [switchable]*
-add auto load/save sources[switchable]*
-add sources to save/load value [switchable]*
-add reload sources before save [switchable]*
-add show downloads in bold [switchable]*
-changed download in color code [switchable]*
-some fixes of previous version
-some other code changes
大家比较常用的Ipfilter一般是官方eMule论坛和eMule Mods上发布的版本,是由R3Qu13M整理的。今天给大家介绍另外两款Ipfilter。
1. Ozzy
2. IpfilterX-u23 by karlx
eMule Future强力推荐的版本。此版本非常轻便,可以说没有误杀,总过滤IP仅有6000多条。但每一条规则都经过谨慎的分析和研究,可以说是一款高精密的Ipfilter。如果你在版权控制不严厉的国家,X-u23是最好的选择。
1. Ozzy
2. IpfilterX-u23 by karlx
eMule Future强力推荐的版本。此版本非常轻便,可以说没有误杀,总过滤IP仅有6000多条。但每一条规则都经过谨慎的分析和研究,可以说是一款高精密的Ipfilter。如果你在版权控制不严厉的国家,X-u23是最好的选择。
eMule 0.49c PRO 1.7
eMule PRO 1.7
- update antileech
- update anti-antileech
- stop downloading DRM files
- optimierungen und fixes...
eMule PRO 1.6
- no upload/upload only to community
- optimierungen und bugfixes...
Happy downloading.
Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009
UPDATE!!! eMule PRO v1.5 Leecher Edition
+ PRO Options page
> Unshare complete files
> Uploadmanagment
> Spread upload (queue per file)
> Stealth mode (dont send filelist to server, dont publish files KAD, disables SX send)
> Fakerank
> auto cleanup sources (NNP, FullQR...)
+ QRdiff Icons
+ DRM file warning Icon
+ many more...
- update antileech
- update anti-antileech
- stop downloading DRM files
- optimierungen und fixes...
eMule PRO 1.6
- no upload/upload only to community
- optimierungen und bugfixes...
Happy downloading.
Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009
UPDATE!!! eMule PRO v1.5 Leecher Edition
+ PRO Options page
> Unshare complete files
> Uploadmanagment
> Spread upload (queue per file)
> Stealth mode (dont send filelist to server, dont publish files KAD, disables SX send)
> Fakerank
> auto cleanup sources (NNP, FullQR...)
+ QRdiff Icons
+ DRM file warning Icon
+ many more...
eMule v0.49c Devils Mod v1.0 by Ekliptor
based on AJ FireBaLL
eMule Devils Mod Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need, Active Spreading and Download Permission
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients
- AES (256 bit) encrypted File-Transfers for more Security
Changelog eMule v0.49c Devils Mod v1.0:
August, 18. 2009
based on eMule Fireball v3.2
- own crew login system for Devils Crew [CrackMe]
- changed default username and forum link
- updated Anti modified Applejuice Clients
eMule 0.49c X-Mod -LPE- (Lite 私用吸血版
eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 -LPE-
+ Download Status in Uploadlist
+ Lite ClipSat
+ Codecleanings
+ -LPE- UpMana (Friends/PowerRelease excluded) [umek]
A powerful upload management made by umek for -LPE-
Send FakeRank to filtered clients if it is a advantage and UpMana is enabled.
Send FakeRank to leechers is seperate setable and very useful to get
download from Clients that use a UploadManagement.
Update to Lite codebase
+ IP2Country (if you like, copy IP2Country files to your config)
+ Readded Scheduler
- Removed Copy Clip-Stats
- Removed Copy Upload Feedback
- Removed Push rare files
- Removed Only Up to eMule/aMule
- Removed SysInfo
+ Some little fixes
- Removed Whois IP-Lookup
+ Added Client IP to Clientdetail Window
+ Readded lost "Show active downloads bold"
+ Changed back LowID color to software column only
+ Update -LPE- to newest eMule0.49c-Lite codebase
+ Multi Server Connect [thx sarutobi]
(switchable in serverlist rightklickmenu)
+ To how many Server you connect setable in Preferences->Extended
+ Server Rotation Time setable in Preferences->Extended
+ Fixed List Icons
+ Push Rare Files
+ Changed ECR/Emulate - OLD_MLDONKEY/MLONKEY (taz)
- Removed two Up/Down Buttons at Transferwindow (one Button is enough)
+ Added Transferred, Requests, Accepts, Sharefactor column to downloaded history
- Removed Multi Creditsystem (now again Xman Credit)
- Removed Invisible Mode
- Removed Quickstart
+ Fixed RAM display (MB not show cause label was to small)
+ Fix collection double extension (CiccioBastardo)
+ Fix for "exit" command (leuk_he)
+ Kad Message bounce protection (netfinity)
+ IP Filter Hits added to Clip-Stat
(19.09.09) HOTFIX
+ Changed SysInfo Code
+ Show CPU/RAM usage (switchable)
+ Code readded I removed to much in HistoryList (selected file was not marked)
+ Codechange for show correct frame in HistoryList
+ ShowGridlines now without restart
+ Some minor fixes
Now only UPX'ed version!
If you like to unpack use UPX 3.0.3
+ Now complete updated to X-Mod code
(Forgot to update some code in last build)
+ SessionDownload [X-Ray]
(Show in Downloadlist in Transferred column MB/session
and in Progress column percent/session)
Fixed Uploadprio in Downloadlist (my mistake)
- Removed: Integerated antileech.dll
+ Changed: Emulate-Others hardcoded (Log now in VerboseLog)
+ Changed: Switch for Friendboost (now in Friendlist)
+ Changed: Default Nick to official Xtreme
...merge with X-Mod
Fixed: bug in Source Save
Removed: chunck choose method menu & Order chunck choose method
Changed: refuseUpload implementation
Fixed: a minor fix in CompareDirectories
Added: random Port On Startup
Added: support NTFS filesystem features
Removed: _PfnLoadUnicows
...code from X-Ray 1.7:
No Need to Refresh a stopped File
Bugfix :: bscabral
Obfuscation-Bugfix :: WiZaRd
Bugfix :: WiZaRd cmdline
...compiled with VS2008:
zlib 1.2.3
Crypto++ 5.6.1 SVN 476 (lite)
miniupnp 1.90 07/08/2009
+ Readded FunnyNick
+ Upload status (Transferring) in clientlist red
+ Filesize in Uploadlist
+ Changed some menu entries to show only with "show more controls"
+ Added Creditsystem to Clip-Stat
+ Show MinQR in downloadlist
+ Modified antileech.dll v39
- Removed antileech reload button again from optionspage
(antileech.dll is load after restart)
+ Fixed Blue colored Friendslot (now in all lists)
+ Readded Reload Button for antileech.dll
(Modified antileech.dll v37 is integreated. No seperate .dll needed.
For update copy newest .dll to emule folder and restart or click reload button)
+ Modified antileech.dll v38
Removed from official:
ZZULtra,Aurora,Alias,Ulti F,ChímÊrÂ,ÇhïmerÀ,R-Mod,TCMod,UltiMatiX,StulleMule Plus,
Magic Angelyzer,Hardstyle,TR-P2P-MoD,Ultimativ,Ultimate,TCMatic 3
Hope i forgot not to many
+ Fixed Search Tabs close
+ Auto Friendslot
+ Remove all Friendslots
+ Friendslot blue
- Removed Friendslot Overlay Icon
- Removed again Options Icons to get smaller
- More control and information in clientlist -
+ File column in Clientlist
+ PowerRelease color in Clientlist
+ Score column in clientlist (clients on queue)
+ Changed "Kick" in Clientlist
(now you can kick waiting and uploading clients from Clientlist)
+ Some code cleanings
+ Fixed Bug in Upload Prio + Advanced Auto Up-Prio
(because Up-Prio in Downloadlist work not correct and make wrong settings)
...I wonder that this never was reported But now all ok!
(27.08.09 Hotfix)
+ Added in config folder forgotten Fileformat.csv (needed for FileVerify)
+ Changed code for Show GridLines
(now only one codeline, instead code in all lists)
- Removed Nick Addon Faker
(its only a minimal advantage to use but a high performance killer)
+ Compiled with optimized settings [exe size only 2,74 MB (2.875.392 Bytes)]
+ Show GridLines (in View Menu)
+ Changed switch for "Show List Icons"(now in View menu)
+ Switch for ReadOnly Preferences (in File Menu)
+ Some fixes in PPgConnection, Filedetaildialog and others
- Removed UpMana (because its realy not needed in this Mod)
...also available UPX'ed .exe with only 947 KB (970.240 Bytes)
+ Added new Modname -LPE- for Lite Privat Edition
+ Switch for disable list icons [Antares]
+ Changed Client-Percentage in Downloadclients
+ Whois
(we have no Ip2Country, with Whois we can easy check where a client come from)
+ Show Session Runtime on Title (Show Rates on Title must be enabled)
(to disable set: preferences.ini->ShowRuntimeOnTitle=0)
- Removed accepting only Upload clients who asked within last 30min [Mephisto/Stulle]
(to enable again set: preferences.ini->DisableUlThreshold=1)
So, think this is my "Final" release after the many builds in short time
I hope it comes soon a new lighter Lite build with many new ideas.
Have fun !!!
Known bugs:
If you "Cancel" a file in Downloadlist sometimes crash.
If you "Delete from Disk" in Sharedfileslist sometimes crash.
Try to make exe smaller and smaller...
< Some changes from Xtreme-SE >
+ Changed Slotspeed
+ Changed Minimum upload slots to 1
+ Changed Slotspeed range 1.5 kb/s <=> upload limit
+ Changed Bantime to 24h
+ Added Show paused files in grey
- Removed Failed download ban
- Removed Global DeadSourceList
- Removed Filter clients caused an error
- Removed Max Slots (now you can set with Slotspeed)
- Removed Increase Slotspeed
+ Kick All
+ Switch for active downloads in bold
+ Switch for Download in red
+ Fixed Tooltip for Toolbarbuttons
+ Push to Upload in Downloadclients
+ Readded "Try to Download preview chunks first"
(you can open partfiles in VLC player)
+ Other little changes
+ Clip-Stats
+ Oldstyle Statistic (changed TK4 code)
+ Readded Optionspage Icons
+ Some fixes and cleanings...
+ Fixed a bug in build 05.08.09
+ Lite'r Optionspages
+ Some cleanings to get lite'r
+ Push to Upload (only if on WaitingQueue and not LowID)
+ ReAsk Server manual
+ Reask KAD manual
+ Readded 64bit Codeparts
Please make a cleaninstall !!!
+ Better Fakerank (thx umek)
+ Increase Slotspeed (ScarAngel/Stulle)
+ Some cleanings
+ Changed Creditsystem (now only Offi / Lovelace / Xman)
+ Moved Statistic settings to Options->Display
- Removed Statistic Optionspage
- Removed Friendlink
+ Disconnect Server in Serverlist Menu
+ Server Rotation in Serverlist Menu (Default 20 min.)
time can be changed in preferences.ini->RotationTime
+ Moved Proxy settings to Options->Server
+ Fixed little parts i forgot
- Removed Proxy Optionspage and Icon
+ Max Upload Slots
+ Fixed Sort in Downloadlist
+ Active Show Permissions
+ Permission Colors
+ Select All in Menu
+ Upload Prio in Downloadlist
+ Permission in Downloadlist
+ Fixed "Open File" (now work from Menu and doubleclick)
Known Bug:
Crash if you try to unshare a (incoming folder)file,
that is at same time in your upload.
Try to fix some more bugs from Lite
+ Changed Prefs for Shutdown (Options-General)
+ Save Friendslot
+ Some Languages readded:cz,de,es,fr,it,pl,tr,zhcn,zhtw
+ Checkbox for Restore Last Main Window
+ Friends in Green
- Removed ServerInfo Log
+ Maybe fixed Buffer Bug that freeze Mod...(i hope
+ Some Credit Systems
+ Changed "Only upload to eMUle" to "eMUle/aMule"
+ Fixed "Rebind UPnP on IP change" was not saved
+ UL-Feedback
+ Some Codecleanings
- Removed some Ratio/GlobalHL Code
- Removed "Try to Download preview chunks first"
(for what if no Preview code is in
- Removed Wizard
+ Fixed Nick Addon Faker/ModID (was detect by "suspect hello")
+ Manual Reask Client
+ Up-Management
+ Send FakeRank
+ Friend Boost
+ Nick Addon Faker
+ Emulate Others
+ Only Up to eMule
+ Readded Xtreme ModID
+ Shutdown after Download
- Removed 64BitTime
eMule0.49c-Lite1.5.1.2 privat edition (beta)
+ Knownfiles in Incoming unshareable
+ Faster KAD source finding
+ Downloads in red
+ Kick
+ Ban
+ PowerRelease for Partfiles
+ Partfiles in blue
+ Some Codecleanings
- Removed Scheduler
- Removed some restrictions
eMule 0.49c Apace 1.8 By morph4u
Apace 1.8 (now is the CA version of ZZ-R)
+ ClientAnalyzer
+ CALog
- Removed Argos
+ Update to newest ZZ-R codebase + newest updates/fixes
+ Multi Server Connect [thx sarutobi]
+ Fixed Slotfocus switch
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Some fixes in Commlist
+ Remaining column in uploadlist
+ Changed log color (now date and time are shown in default color)
+ Fixed a bug at sending modstring
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Updated Automatic Shared Files Updater
- Removed Sharlevels
...and some other little changes/updates
+ ClientAnalyzer
+ CALog
- Removed Argos
+ Update to newest ZZ-R codebase + newest updates/fixes
+ Multi Server Connect [thx sarutobi]
+ Fixed Slotfocus switch
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Some fixes in Commlist
+ Remaining column in uploadlist
+ Changed log color (now date and time are shown in default color)
+ Fixed a bug at sending modstring
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Updated Automatic Shared Files Updater
- Removed Sharlevels
...and some other little changes/updates
eMule 0.49c UltiMatiX V4.5 By engo3k
Changelog for eMule v.49c [UltiMatiX v4.5 (old name UltiMatic)] based on Magic Angel 3.5
MERGED: to MorphXT v11.3
Changes 12.09.09 - [engo3k]
+compiled with vs2005 SP1
+Compatibility adjustments for latest Windows 7 OS (no compatibility mode urgently)
-REMOVED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
-REMOVED: Copy Stats Extended
-REMOVED:Faster Upload Timer[WiZaRd] - no download limit!
+ADDED: Average Queue Ranking [Xman] - Stulle
+ADDED: Unban Leecher in all lists
+ADDED: PowerShare via Webinterface
+ADDED: More Creditsystems(SIVKA/XTREME/SWAT/TK4/ZZUL) [Stulle]
+ADDED: Show sources on title - [Stulle]
+ADDED: show overhead on title - [Stulle]
+ADDED: High resulution speedmeter on toolbar [Stulle]
+ADDED: Advanced Transfer Window Layout [Stulle]
+ADDED: Aktive Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend=remove clients from Upload & Waiting queue after Permission change
+ADDED: Unlimited Slot *Adjust max client upload time
+ADDED: Adjust max client upload time (for blocked clients 5-300 Minutes Standard 60')
+ADDED: Clear Banlist [pP] - in UploadList/QueueList/DownloadClient
+ADDED: Unban Leecher
+ADDED: Don't Ban Friends [KTS]
+ADDED: Manual Ask SRV & XS for new Sources [LSD]
+ADDED: Maximum Segment Size (MSS 1300-1480) [KTS]
+ADDED: Multiple Chunks Transfer (1-10) [mL]
+CHANGE: AntiCommunityName from [256] to [512]
+ADDED: AntiPunish for QueueFull Clients (faktor 1=aus, 2=50%, 3 1/3 reduze score, 100=0 Score+waitingtime), Upload Bann
+CHANGE: Disable PS for Anticom/Mod /QR-Full is Score=0 for this enabled
+ADDED: Upload kick for anti-mod, anti-comm, qr-full, ist score 0 for this enabled
+CHANGE: If permision hide and pbf enabled upload only for this clients
+CHANGE: Color lightgrey for Anticom/Mod qr-full Clients & Disable PS for Anticom/Mod/Leecher
+ADDED: Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client
+ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) [kts]
+CHANGE: don't remove spare trickle slots in UploadList
+ADDED: Limit PowerShare by amount of data uploaded - per File/Global [Stulle]
+ADDED: Anti-Mod Punish
+ADDED: Anti-Comm Punish
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Community Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Mod Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for QR-Full Clients + Auto Kick + No PS
+ADDED: 0 Score for non SUI Clients
+ADDED: Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
+CHANGED:Add+Kick to Temporery Morph IpFilte
+CHANGE: Client Ban-Time [0-24H]
+ADDED: Emulate Nick Addon
+ADDED: Colored Clients LowID=yellow, Community=Green, Friend=Blue, Anticom/Mod/Leecher/QR-Full=lightgrey
+CHANGE: New eMule icons
+ADDED: Sivka File Settings - Source limit/drop adjustable per File [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Customized source dropping with auto drop immunity [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Show of dropped sources per file in DownloadList [Stulle]
+ADDED: Automatic shared files updater (ASFU v3.2) - [MoNKi]
+UPDATED:German language file
+ADDED: TBH Mini-Mule with SendModname on Title
+CHANGE: PBF for partfiles
+CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
+ADDED: More Infos in Copy stats (Avarage Cpu Usage/Compression/OS-Vista recognition...)
+ADDED: Copy Stats - extended
+ADDED: Switchable Releaseboost ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Custom Prioritys
+CHANGE: Push Rare Files ->(4-40)
+CHANGE: Push by Radio Files ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Push part files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Push finished files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Switchable Friendboost ->(1-500)
+ADDED: Switchable Community-boost ->(1-500)
+CHANGE: Reask Time ->(20-57)
+ADDED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
+ADDED: Switchable CPU/Ram Infos (eMule/Global) [Stulle/Sicks]
+ADDED: Choosable modstring with ModaddOnNick [Spe64] + feedback with SendModname
+ADDED: Send modname on Title/Systray&prefs/MyniMule&prefs/WebServer
+ADDED: Upload priority from Transfer Wimdows
+ADDED: Upload only to eMule Clients
+ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
+ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
+ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
+ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
+ADDED: Kick from Upload
+ADDED: Kick and add to Morph Temporery IP-Filter
+ADDED: Cleint-BAN All List
+CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
+ADDED: See onuploadqueue & feedback
+ADDED: New Feedback format (DE)
+CHANGE: English feedback format Changed to Ultimativ-Mod Format
+CHANGE: Remove PoweShare restrictions
+CHANGE: Remove Friends restrictions
+CHANGE: New Leecher icon
+ADDED: Old AppleJuice Community Detection [Xman]
+CHANGE: Xman & MA DLPs added more Applejuice Based Mods, removed some Release/Bad Mods
->>> Code Parts from MA v3.8 Alpha2
ADDED: Don't accept too short filters - unfair![WiZaRd]
ADDED: First Start Maximized[WiZaRd]
ADDED: Faster Upload Timer[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: Moved some Functions inline[netfinity]
IMPROVED: Some Optimations and Fixes[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: Code (CPU load)[Maella]
IMPROVED: Optimized speedBarShader[netfinity]
IMPROVED: FillSolidRect[Xray]
IMPROVED: banncheck[sivka]
IMPROVED: quick fix/possible crashfix[XMan]
IMPROVED: Save converting dwIP from uint32 to a CStringT to ASCII then back to uint32[bluesonicboy]
IMPROVED: save some cycles with an empty Queue[pP]
IMPROVED: Optimations ,Fixes[WiZaRd/Xman/JvA
FIXED: ReAskSourcesAfterIpChange: if we receive a LowID we do a recheck[XMan]
<<<- Code Parts from MA v3.8 Alpha2
eMule 0.49c Xtreme 7.2 高上传版 by IQx
Although we are in an era when the upload bandwidth is considerably larger than it was a few years ago, I still see a customer uploads of around 3KB / s. .. so I decided to change the version of Xtreme 7.2 so that you can use almost the entire width of uploading to a client.
Another of the situations that did not like was the credit system that uses and replace them with one that had already established for some time (Justice CS). This system of credits exponential credits to who else upload it for me.
Method of calculation:
If (MB sent - received MB)> 1, then the factor is = (MB sent - received MB)
If (MB sent - received MB) <1, then the factor is = 1 / (MB received - sent MB)
If the difference between MB sent - MB received is less than 1, the factor is 1.
If the client has disabled the identification factor is 0! Will always on standby! : twisted:
After verifying that there were users who came to draw more than 250MB without sending 1MB it was, I decided to create a drastic anti-leecher, who baptized as "Standby" what does is when customers derive more x than send us to pass be in "Standby" on the waiting list, thus decreasing the difference returning to the position and taking into account the waiting time so far.
These needs have to be deploying these features in the MOD Xtreme, which entitles the HUV (High Upload Version) compared to the very limit expanded KB per user. This limit is configurable and allows maximum (maximum upload - 10KB).
- Amended the form of identification for the MOD was being considered MOD-ID Faker.
- Removed the Push Small Files option and replaced by connecting and configuring
system standby, configurable from 100MB-2GB for releasers.
- Added nick TAG "@ HUV 0.xxb. HUV mean High Upload Version. :)
- Reinstatement of the original system of credits (Justice CS), whereas the new version is
in practice very similar to the operation of the original.
- Fix: Set aside some optimizations for newer processors to maintain compatibility with older CPUs.
- Changed the Credit System is considering 9Mb instead of 1Mb in the calculation. (making it a less aggressive)
Another of the situations that did not like was the credit system that uses and replace them with one that had already established for some time (Justice CS). This system of credits exponential credits to who else upload it for me.
Method of calculation:
If (MB sent - received MB)> 1, then the factor is = (MB sent - received MB)
If (MB sent - received MB) <1, then the factor is = 1 / (MB received - sent MB)
If the difference between MB sent - MB received is less than 1, the factor is 1.
If the client has disabled the identification factor is 0! Will always on standby! : twisted:
After verifying that there were users who came to draw more than 250MB without sending 1MB it was, I decided to create a drastic anti-leecher, who baptized as "Standby" what does is when customers derive more x than send us to pass be in "Standby" on the waiting list, thus decreasing the difference returning to the position and taking into account the waiting time so far.
These needs have to be deploying these features in the MOD Xtreme, which entitles the HUV (High Upload Version) compared to the very limit expanded KB per user. This limit is configurable and allows maximum (maximum upload - 10KB).
- Amended the form of identification for the MOD was being considered MOD-ID Faker.
- Removed the Push Small Files option and replaced by connecting and configuring
system standby, configurable from 100MB-2GB for releasers.
- Added nick TAG "@ HUV 0.xxb. HUV mean High Upload Version. :)
- Reinstatement of the original system of credits (Justice CS), whereas the new version is
in practice very similar to the operation of the original.
- Fix: Set aside some optimizations for newer processors to maintain compatibility with older CPUs.
- Changed the Credit System is considering 9Mb instead of 1Mb in the calculation. (making it a less aggressive)
eMule 0.49c Chimera 1.3 PuBliC VerSioN By B4n$h33
about swith modstring added xtreme modstring update official Random Modstring with zBOOM v0.1 and added no send Modstring ,
about no send modstring is better if you restart emule, only if you want an immediate operation.
bypass all rules of upload for friends now it's work perfectly
credit system is based on Inverse Credit.
Fixed Uploadmanagement , Now the "not emule client" are Auto filtered , if you want to make up to they , you have to add them as friends
fake rank setting , I have two values, fakeranksent and fakerankrange, the first indicating the initial
value 595 the seconds value indicates the range 16 , then 595+16, will generate a random value of fake queue between 595 and 609.
Country Block , when you select a nation in Coutry block the clients that belong to that nation will be seen as leechers
and will be filtered from your queue , if you want to make up to they , you have to add them as friends
Changelog 1.3
add Additional Security Check [WiZaRd]
add Anti Fake IP [WiZaRd]
add Country Block [B4n$h33]
add Mass Rename [AcKroNiC Mod]
add Fake Rank Setting [B4n$h33]
add font in bold [$ick$]
add L2HAC [enkeyDEV]
add manual swap A4AF [Jva/Changed B4n$h33]
add Out lined Percentage in Bold [B4n$h33]
add Save CPU [WiZaRd]
add Save some cycles with an empty Queue [pP]
add Set Server.met URL [pP]
add Show CPU/MEM usage in Transferwindow [$ick$/Changed B4n$h33]
add Show File Size in some list [B4n$h33]
add Show Server in Transferwindow [Mondgott/Changed B4n$h33]
add shutdown options [Spe64]
add Startup Flood Prevention [Wizard]
Changed Credit System
Changed Icons
Fixed bypass all rules of upload for friends [B4n$h33]
Fixed Detect Random Modstring [B4n$h33]
Fixed Inteligent Chunk Selection [enkeyDEV]
Fixed No Share single File [B4n$h33]
Fixed Uploadmanagement [B4n$h33]
increased file buffer 45mb
some bugfix
some optimization
and other
Changelog 1.2
add ConChecker [Taken from Alias]
add copy feedback feature
add Funny Nicks [xrmb]
add IP2C Auto Update [ev!l1/Changed B4n$h33]
add IP Filter Auto Update [Taken from Alias]
add Larger File Buffer [pP]
add Node.dat Auto Update
add Switch Modstring [B4n$h33]
bypass all rules of upload for friends [B4n$h33]
changed Drop System [pP/ev!l1]
Fixed Detect Fast Reask [Ban$h33]
Fixed Inform Clients after IP Change [B4n$h33]
and other
eMule 0.49c ToXiC 1.0 By sarutobi
based on Xtreme Mod v7.2
+ Bug fixed
+ Extended ModThief v2
+ Advanced Updates (Ipfilter, antileech, ip2country) [morphxt, stulle, sarutobi]
+ Downloading chunk display [morphxt]
+ FileName Disparity Check [Xanatos, BlueSonicBoy]
+ FakeAlyzer [netfinity, sarutobi]
* Major Bug on manual quickstart activation
* Critical Bug when changing Credit Systems
+ Share Levels & Disable publish to network
+ No Upload
+ Upload Protection
+ Queuelist Levels
+ FakeRank
+ Credit Hack
+ Extended Modthief
+ Community NickThief
+ Disable XS Send
+ Fake eChanblard Comm
+ Generate new public RSA key auto & manual
+ Multi Server Connection
+ Auto Server Change on Timer
+ Super Kad
+ AutoHL [pP]
+ Source Reask Timers
+ QuickStart
+ CoolToolbar & Plus SpeedMeter & Xp Menu [Xanatos]
+ Multiple Credit Systems
+ Shutdown pc or eMule on downloads completed
+ Stop Dlp agressions
- Ratio
+: Added Feature
-: Removed Feature
*: Fix/Change
eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V3.1 By morph4u
For so many reasons and desires, and because the code base since ZZ-R V2.0 to V2.9
was not up to the high standards we believe in,
it is great to announce ZZ-R's return to ZZUL based coding.
Enjoy this great Mod !
Merged some features with ZZ-R V1.9, ZZ-R V2.9, Apace, Xtreme -LPE-
ZZ-R V3.1
+ Multi Server Connect [thx sarutobi]
+ Fixed Slotfocus switch
+ Fixed HideOS/SOTN
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Some fixes in Commlist
+ Remaining column in uploadlist
+ Changed log color (now date and time are shown in default color)
+ Fixed a bug at sending modstring
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Updated Automatic Shared Files Updater
...and some other little changes/updates
ZZ-R V3.0
+ Emulate Others hardcoded (log in Verbose)
+ LowID to HighID Automatic Callback
+ Don't continue sending after banning
+ Save CPU
+ Changed SysInfo/Up/Down label wide
+ Some minor fixes
+ Community in Permission only shown if its enabled
+ Filter LowID Clients
+ Fixed score column in queue-per-file (sharedfileswindow)
ZZ-R V3.0 Public Beta 3
+ Fixed something in lists
+ Minor Bugfix in Commlist
+ SafeHash remove - removed installation dir unsharing
+ Usernick to My Info
+ Counter for A4AF in sources column
+ A4AF counter, ahead of user nickname
+ Some code cleanings
ZZ-R V3.0 Public Beta 2
+ Important Fix in Argos Antimodthief detection (my fault)
ZZ-R to ZZ-R with same modstring was detected as modthief
新兴的反吸血系统——Client Analyer by Wizard
Client Analyer(客户端分析)是德国程序员Wizard的开源项目。CA是一种另类的eMule反吸血功能。例如Xman (Xtreme)的DLP和Xanatos (NeoMule)的Argos。
Client Analyzer并不像其它反吸血系统,它并不需要吸血客户端的特征,如昵称tag和modstrings。CA会主动检测客户端的运行习惯及状态,这样可以尽可能公平的对每一个客户端进行检测。那些没有特殊特征的Mods,像ZZ-R,XDP,Toxic等,它们从己方下载大量数据,却没有任何上传,CA一样会给予惩罚。CA和其它反吸血系统,就像杀软和主动防御,杀软需要特定人员更新病毒识别码,而主动防御自主分析程序行为,自动进行清除。
* 已知客户端的时间(userhash);
* 下载和上传比例;
* 下载和上传状态(完整文件或不完整,还是稀有文件);
* 昵称盗窃,发送损坏数据;
* 不正常的源请求速度(client-aggressive);
* 如果你是完成源,却多次拒绝或忽略上传请求。
CA的最大优点是每一个客户端都有机会被ban或是unban。这样避免了大量误杀。在其它反吸血系统中,ban掉一个客户端相当于“失去”一个客户端。(不包括no upload to leecher)但CA会继续检测,如果此客户端恢复正常,CA会unban。
* 要不断的更新特征;
* 较高的CPU占用;
* ban掉一个客户端无法恢复,即便它开始上传;
* 误杀严重,会ban掉很多欧洲发布级community mods,如Fireball,Fincan,Flowerpower,OrangeSpirit,eChanblard。
PS:相信很多驴友都听说过Wizard,它对eMule有很多原创的改善和功能补充,在很多Mods的更新日志都可以看到Wizard,在很多eMule正规和吸血论坛都可以看到他的身影,他跟很多吸血Modders都有密切的联系。欧洲除了Applejuice Community,其次的Flowerpower Community就是Wizard编译的。Wizard的eMagiC(吸血)整合EM 和BT,早在一年前就在秘密进行内部测试。
Client Analyzer并不像其它反吸血系统,它并不需要吸血客户端的特征,如昵称tag和modstrings。CA会主动检测客户端的运行习惯及状态,这样可以尽可能公平的对每一个客户端进行检测。那些没有特殊特征的Mods,像ZZ-R,XDP,Toxic等,它们从己方下载大量数据,却没有任何上传,CA一样会给予惩罚。CA和其它反吸血系统,就像杀软和主动防御,杀软需要特定人员更新病毒识别码,而主动防御自主分析程序行为,自动进行清除。
* 已知客户端的时间(userhash);
* 下载和上传比例;
* 下载和上传状态(完整文件或不完整,还是稀有文件);
* 昵称盗窃,发送损坏数据;
* 不正常的源请求速度(client-aggressive);
* 如果你是完成源,却多次拒绝或忽略上传请求。
CA的最大优点是每一个客户端都有机会被ban或是unban。这样避免了大量误杀。在其它反吸血系统中,ban掉一个客户端相当于“失去”一个客户端。(不包括no upload to leecher)但CA会继续检测,如果此客户端恢复正常,CA会unban。
* 要不断的更新特征;
* 较高的CPU占用;
* ban掉一个客户端无法恢复,即便它开始上传;
* 误杀严重,会ban掉很多欧洲发布级community mods,如Fireball,Fincan,Flowerpower,OrangeSpirit,eChanblard。
PS:相信很多驴友都听说过Wizard,它对eMule有很多原创的改善和功能补充,在很多Mods的更新日志都可以看到Wizard,在很多eMule正规和吸血论坛都可以看到他的身影,他跟很多吸血Modders都有密切的联系。欧洲除了Applejuice Community,其次的Flowerpower Community就是Wizard编译的。Wizard的eMagiC(吸血)整合EM 和BT,早在一年前就在秘密进行内部测试。
The Client Analyzer (or CA) is a project of the German modder Wizard. This system has the goal of recognizing Leecher as do alternative systems to the IC, such as AntiLeechClass always wizard (for example, contained in Ionix), the DLP Xman (Xtreme) or the Argos to Xanatos (NeoMule) .
The CA creates a ranking of conduct based on heuristics which is to give a more complete picture on the clients and their real identity.
[edit] Operation
The Client Analyzer does not block tags, nicknames or modstrings, analyze first the behavior of the client, thus making possible a fair treatment of all customers by behavior. So, for example-Spammer Mod as ketamine, but also customers, who download a lot without posting, will be punished by the CA.
Some aspects of the CA Exchange:
* How long a client is known someone (who retains his Hash-user gets a small bonus);
* Report DL: UL;
* What kind of UL / DL's state (files complete, incomplete, rare);
* If you use a nickname stolen, a sequence mod stolen or corrupted files are sent;
* If requests are made too quickly (client-aggressive);
* If requested source can be done too often and / or ignoring the requests received.
Each client has a chance to be punished, rehabilitated, this is one of the biggest advantages of CA, in practice, a client identified as incorrect, if you send files to upload to the network is rehabilitated and no longer banned / penalized (this does not happen in other systems other than CA where clients are banned inevitably "lost" even if they could send files to upload, this is both unfair and unnecessary).
Rehabilitation is effective when we receive from these clients banned / penalized for chunks, which vary according to the penalty in the case of Mod that steal Nick, the penalty is 5 chunk to return to 'normal' level.
The idea behind the CA was a Wizard and update the list leecher for the umpteenth time. Alternative systems to the IC have some disadvantages:
* Must be constantly updated;
* High consumption of CPU (because of continuous monitoring);
* Block / sanction to all Bad-Mod blacklisted in some cases even if they are "useful" to the network (sending files to upload).
* Are sometimes punished releaser.
Relative to AC 1.4 and 1:55
[edit] Clients that implement the Client Analyzer
AcKroNiC, AnalyZZUL, Beba, eMuleFuture, NextEMF, SharkX, Spike
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