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eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V3.1 By morph4u

For so many reasons and desires, and because the code base since ZZ-R V2.0 to V2.9

was not up to the high standards we believe in,

it is great to announce ZZ-R's return to ZZUL based coding.

Enjoy this great Mod !

Merged some features with ZZ-R V1.9, ZZ-R V2.9, Apace, Xtreme -LPE-

ZZ-R V3.1

+ Multi Server Connect [thx sarutobi]
+ Fixed Slotfocus switch
+ Fixed HideOS/SOTN
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Some fixes in Commlist
+ Remaining column in uploadlist
+ Changed log color (now date and time are shown in default color)
+ Fixed a bug at sending modstring
+ Friendslot icons in friendlist
+ Updated Automatic Shared Files Updater

...and some other little changes/updates

ZZ-R V3.0

+ Emulate Others hardcoded (log in Verbose)
+ LowID to HighID Automatic Callback
+ Don't continue sending after banning
+ Save CPU
+ Changed SysInfo/Up/Down label wide
+ Some minor fixes
+ Community in Permission only shown if its enabled
+ Filter LowID Clients
+ Fixed score column in queue-per-file (sharedfileswindow)

ZZ-R V3.0 Public Beta 3

+ Fixed something in lists
+ Minor Bugfix in Commlist
+ SafeHash remove - removed installation dir unsharing
+ Usernick to My Info
+ Counter for A4AF in sources column
+ A4AF counter, ahead of user nickname
+ Some code cleanings

ZZ-R V3.0 Public Beta 2

+ Important Fix in Argos Antimodthief detection (my fault)
ZZ-R to ZZ-R with same modstring was detected as modthief


