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eMule 0.49c MorphXT 11.3 Plus

eMule MorphXT+ by Franky5 is a GPL/GNU conform eMule Mod based on MorphXT


BASED ON: MorphXT 11.3

CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive] 上传下载比例 修改至1:7

CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive] 避免最小和平均上传限制从10KB/s to 20KB/s

CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive] 避免最小下载限制从10KB/s to 20KB/s

CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive] 改变默认图标

CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive] 改变默认设置

CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive] 客户端版本好避免封禁官方MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0

CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive] 硬盘保护(缓存增加到20M)

ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive] 硬盘保护(扩展设置里增加缓存释放时间)

ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive] 自动配置意大利ADSL连接

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BIN: 绿色包
SRC: 源码包

