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eMule v.49c MagicAngel v3.8 alpha

Changelog for eMule v.49c [Magic Angel v3.8]

IMPROVED: save some cycles with an empty Queue[pP]
IMPROVED: Optimations ,Fixes[WiZaRd/Xman/JvA]
ADDED: Don’t accept too short filters - unfair![WiZaRd]
ADDED: First Start Maximized[WiZaRd]
ADDED: Faster Upload Timer[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: SafeTagSending[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: Moved some Functions inline[netfinity]
IMPROVED: Some Optimations and Fixes[WiZaRd]
IMPROVED: Code (CPU load)[Maella]
IMPROVED: Optimized speedBarShader[netfinity]
IMPROVED: FillSolidRect[Xray]
IMPROVED: banncheck[sivka]
IMPROVED: quick fix/possible crashfix[XMan]
IMPROVED: Save converting dwIP from uint32 to a CStringT to ASCII then back to uint32[bluesonicboy]
MERGED: to MorphXT v11.3 thx to Stulle & Morph Team
REMOVED: open a default website when nodesurl is invalid[ZZ00fly]

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.7]

CHANGED: AntiModThief to old code
CHANGED: Removed some entries from MagicAntiLeech (entries are in DLP too)
FIXED: Vagaa Detection - forgotten to change some code during merging was commented out in source
FIXED: Leecher Icon in downloading Clients Lists


