Files to modify:
String Table
bool CUploadQueue::AcceptNewClient(uint32 curUploadSlots){
// check if we can allow a new client to start downloading from us
//slots control
if(uploadinglist.GetCount() >= thePrefs.GetNbUploadSlots()&&thePrefs.GetControlSlot() == true)
return false;
//slots control
CPreferences thePrefs;
//slots control
bool CPreferences::ControlSlot;
uint16 CPreferences::NbUploadSlots;
//slots control
//Slot Control
ini.WriteBool(_T("Activer la gestion des slot en
eMule 0.49b Orange Spirit v1.2
Change log:
mise à jour sur eMule 0.49b
leger changements dans le modupdate
divers fixs et optimisations
ipfilter v130 , countryflag.dll et ip-to-country.csv inclus dans l'archive
Fix le bug de l'erreur c0005
Nouvel AntiNickThief et AntimodThief
Systeme de mise à jour automatique
Changement du systeme de reconnaissance des mods Oranges-spirit
Update automatique des serveurs (si le nombre est inferieur à 5)
mise à jour sur eMule 0.49b
leger changements dans le modupdate
divers fixs et optimisations
ipfilter v130 , countryflag.dll et ip-to-country.csv inclus dans l'archive
Fix le bug de l'erreur c0005
Nouvel AntiNickThief et AntimodThief
Systeme de mise à jour automatique
Changement du systeme de reconnaissance des mods Oranges-spirit
Update automatique des serveurs (si le nombre est inferieur à 5)
eMule可以使用非对称加密系统来避免偷窃或使用其他用户的用户hash。本方法通过一个私钥和公钥来保护用户 hash,保证与其他用户进行正确的认证。
安全用户认证可以在参数选择 -> 安全中打开,建议用户使用这个设置。
一、用户A想要保证自己的积分安全,只让自己使用。他创建了一个私有的384位密钥将其保存在 cryptkey.dat 文件中。
eMule可以使用非对称加密系统来避免偷窃或使用其他用户的用户hash。本方法通过一个私钥和公钥来保护用户 hash,保证与其他用户进行正确的认证。
安全用户认证可以在参数选择 -> 安全中打开,建议用户使用这个设置。
一、用户A想要保证自己的积分安全,只让自己使用。他创建了一个私有的384位密钥将其保存在 cryptkey.dat 文件中。
最小上传限制: 2
up slowness:300
down slowness:500
然后启动这功能,等到eMule右下角视窗开始出现xxms yyy%时,再把连线那边的上下传改成24/6,这样,执行起来,表现的的比以前好多了。
1. ping误差:
2. going up slowness:
3. going down slowness:
4. ping数目:
基本上,最主要的是那个down slowness要低一点,让他一旦发现需要降低上传速度时,就赶快反应,不然就很容易在程式来不及调整上传频宽前,上传频宽就被占满,然后程式就没有足够的频宽来测速,USS就会跳掉,另外,那个ping误差值也不要设定太高,这一样是为了要及早反应。
最小上传限制: 2
up slowness:300
down slowness:500
然后启动这功能,等到eMule右下角视窗开始出现xxms yyy%时,再把连线那边的上下传改成24/6,这样,执行起来,表现的的比以前好多了。
1. ping误差:
2. going up slowness:
3. going down slowness:
4. ping数目:
基本上,最主要的是那个down slowness要低一点,让他一旦发现需要降低上传速度时,就赶快反应,不然就很容易在程式来不及调整上传频宽前,上传频宽就被占满,然后程式就没有足够的频宽来测速,USS就会跳掉,另外,那个ping误差值也不要设定太高,这一样是为了要及早反应。
电骡中的积分系统:Rating Ratio Score by Shane.G
在以下的讲解中, 假设我是驴网中的一个文件发布者, 在我的电骡(eMule) 里共享了几个文件供其他人下载. 因此, 下面的内容均从第一人称的角度来叙述, 我尽量讲解得通俗些.
符号 "*" 表示乘法, "/" 表示除法.
Score - 上传队列分数
对于所有想从我这里下载文件的人, 要先按照每个人的 Score从大到小进行排队. 因此在中文版电骡里 Score 被译为“上传队列分数”. Score 的计算方法是:
Score = Rating * Waiting_Time / 100
其中 Rating 是评分, 后面再讲. Waiting_Time 是等待时间,单位是秒. 可见, Score 是不断变化的, 随着时间的增长而增加. 对于 Rating 相同的两个用户, 先来排队的那个人将获得较高的 Score, 也就排得靠前. 即所谓的“先来后到”.
Rating - 评分
Rating 的初始值是 100. 然后由以下因素来修饰:
(1) 被我的电骡 Ban 掉的用户:乘以 0, 也就是 Rating 变成 0 了, 他不能下载我的文件.
(2) 我共享文件的优先级:在共享文件时, 可以为每个文件设置优先级. 优先级分为5个档, 从低到高分别是:
中文 英文 对Rating的修饰
很低 very low 乘 0.2
低 low 乘 0.6
中 normal 乘 0.7
高 high 乘 0.9
发布 release 乘 1.8
设置优先级的方法: 电骡里按 "共享文件" 按钮, 在要设置优先级的文件上点右键, 指向 "优先级", 选择.
可见, 优先级规则只对下载不同文件的用户有影响. 下载优先级高的文件时, 排队时会相对靠前些. 优先级主要是用来区分文件的, 表示我更优先共享哪个文件. 如果我把所有共享的文件的优先级都设成相同的, 那么优先级就失去作用了.
(3) 对方的电骡版本
如果对方的电骡版本低于 0.20a, 那么他的 Rating 将
乘以 0.5.
(4) Ratio
乘以 Ratio. Ratio 下面讲解.
Ratio - 下载上传比例调整
若 Uploaded < 1, 则 Ratio = 1 ;
若 Downloaded = 0, 则 Ratio = 10 ;
Ratio1 = Uploaded * 2 / Downloaded
Ratio2 = $sqrt( Uploaded + 2 )
Ratio = $min( Ratio1 , Ratio2 )
Ratio 不小于 1 不大于 10.
Uploaded: 对方向我上传的总量(单位: MB);
Downloaded: 对方从我这里下载的总量(单位: MB);
$sqrt(): 开二次方;
$min(): 取最小值.
可见, 对方上传给我的越多, 就越容易从我这里获得下
电骡里按 传输 按钮, 从用户列表中选择要查看的用户,右键, 选 显示详情, 在弹出的对话框中的 得分 框里即是 Ratio, Rating 和 Score.
(1) 电骡本身并不对 LowID 用户进行惩罚. LowID 用户下载较慢是因为其所能获得的源 比 HighID 用户要少.
(2) 当我急于下载某文件时, 可以在共享里把该文件的优先级设成 "发布", 允许别人优先下载此文件. 当然, 如果只共享了这一个文件就没必要设置了.
(3) 多上传才能快下载.
符号 "*" 表示乘法, "/" 表示除法.
Score - 上传队列分数
对于所有想从我这里下载文件的人, 要先按照每个人的 Score从大到小进行排队. 因此在中文版电骡里 Score 被译为“上传队列分数”. Score 的计算方法是:
Score = Rating * Waiting_Time / 100
其中 Rating 是评分, 后面再讲. Waiting_Time 是等待时间,单位是秒. 可见, Score 是不断变化的, 随着时间的增长而增加. 对于 Rating 相同的两个用户, 先来排队的那个人将获得较高的 Score, 也就排得靠前. 即所谓的“先来后到”.
Rating - 评分
Rating 的初始值是 100. 然后由以下因素来修饰:
(1) 被我的电骡 Ban 掉的用户:乘以 0, 也就是 Rating 变成 0 了, 他不能下载我的文件.
(2) 我共享文件的优先级:在共享文件时, 可以为每个文件设置优先级. 优先级分为5个档, 从低到高分别是:
中文 英文 对Rating的修饰
很低 very low 乘 0.2
低 low 乘 0.6
中 normal 乘 0.7
高 high 乘 0.9
发布 release 乘 1.8
设置优先级的方法: 电骡里按 "共享文件" 按钮, 在要设置优先级的文件上点右键, 指向 "优先级", 选择.
可见, 优先级规则只对下载不同文件的用户有影响. 下载优先级高的文件时, 排队时会相对靠前些. 优先级主要是用来区分文件的, 表示我更优先共享哪个文件. 如果我把所有共享的文件的优先级都设成相同的, 那么优先级就失去作用了.
(3) 对方的电骡版本
如果对方的电骡版本低于 0.20a, 那么他的 Rating 将
乘以 0.5.
(4) Ratio
乘以 Ratio. Ratio 下面讲解.
Ratio - 下载上传比例调整
若 Uploaded < 1, 则 Ratio = 1 ;
若 Downloaded = 0, 则 Ratio = 10 ;
Ratio1 = Uploaded * 2 / Downloaded
Ratio2 = $sqrt( Uploaded + 2 )
Ratio = $min( Ratio1 , Ratio2 )
Ratio 不小于 1 不大于 10.
Uploaded: 对方向我上传的总量(单位: MB);
Downloaded: 对方从我这里下载的总量(单位: MB);
$sqrt(): 开二次方;
$min(): 取最小值.
可见, 对方上传给我的越多, 就越容易从我这里获得下
电骡里按 传输 按钮, 从用户列表中选择要查看的用户,右键, 选 显示详情, 在弹出的对话框中的 得分 框里即是 Ratio, Rating 和 Score.
(1) 电骡本身并不对 LowID 用户进行惩罚. LowID 用户下载较慢是因为其所能获得的源 比 HighID 用户要少.
(2) 当我急于下载某文件时, 可以在共享里把该文件的优先级设成 "发布", 允许别人优先下载此文件. 当然, 如果只共享了这一个文件就没必要设置了.
(3) 多上传才能快下载.
电骡功能介绍——Pay Back First
If a peer has uploaded more to you than you've uploaded to them and the peer is on queue, then the peer immediately gets pushed to uploadlist. A Pay back First slot falls in the Powershare class (equals same priority as powershare).
Payback First only works on files the upload has complete. (Morph mod)
You have to pass a certain threshold for this feature to work (typically close to 1 chunk. = 10 MB)
First appeared in EastShare mod by AndCycle.
If a peer has uploaded more to you than you've uploaded to them and the peer is on queue, then the peer immediately gets pushed to uploadlist. A Pay back First slot falls in the Powershare class (equals same priority as powershare).
Payback First only works on files the upload has complete. (Morph mod)
You have to pass a certain threshold for this feature to work (typically close to 1 chunk. = 10 MB)
First appeared in EastShare mod by AndCycle.
电骡功能介绍——Equal Chance For each file
Equal Chance For Each File(a.k.a. "Multiqueue", "One queue per file") option gives a queue score to the file according to the number of times the file has been uploaded. Files that have been uploaded a lot get a lower score and clients requesting those will drop in the waiting queue. Files that have been rarely uploaded get a higher score and clients requesting those will advance faster to a slot.
Factors effecting this:
Total time file shared
(average upload time) x (average upload speed)
File size
The client score system is ignored (in popular implementations).
This was first implemented in Eastshare by AndCycle
This corresponds with the one queue per file. (Eastshare saves the history so it works over multiple sessions giving new files a boost)
Equal Chance For Each File(a.k.a. "Multiqueue", "One queue per file") option gives a queue score to the file according to the number of times the file has been uploaded. Files that have been uploaded a lot get a lower score and clients requesting those will drop in the waiting queue. Files that have been rarely uploaded get a higher score and clients requesting those will advance faster to a slot.
Factors effecting this:
Total time file shared
(average upload time) x (average upload speed)
File size
The client score system is ignored (in popular implementations).
This was first implemented in Eastshare by AndCycle
This corresponds with the one queue per file. (Eastshare saves the history so it works over multiple sessions giving new files a boost)
eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.4
+ AntiMod
+ Remove Bad Blockratio Clients
+ Ban Bad Modstring Scheme
+ AntiMod added to design-settings
+ Clients share visibility added to design-settings
+ Whois IP-Lookup | Web (disable to open your favorite url from menus)
+ Some fixes for Modeless Dialogs
ed2k: ed2k://|file|eMule0.49c-ZZ-R_V2.4.rar|5141675|6D27D3DB51B14A67E9FE5CC46F446003|h=OLEIJT7NHOF74UF5L4KTCQY23NU2H7UD|/
+ AntiMod
+ Remove Bad Blockratio Clients
+ Ban Bad Modstring Scheme
+ AntiMod added to design-settings
+ Clients share visibility added to design-settings
+ Whois IP-Lookup | Web (disable to open your favorite url from menus)
+ Some fixes for Modeless Dialogs
ed2k: ed2k://|file|eMule0.49c-ZZ-R_V2.4.rar|5141675|6D27D3DB51B14A67E9FE5CC46F446003|h=OLEIJT7NHOF74UF5L4KTCQY23NU2H7UD|/
电骡功能介绍——Slot focus(ZZ Upload)
(only one, if the top slot wants it all).
Transfers files to fewer people at a time, but faster to each. Faster transfers makes chunks complete sooner, making it possible for other clients to share the chunks sooner. This gives more sources in shorter time, sharing the upload demands on several computers sooner. At 76 Kbytes/s ZZUL opens ca 6-10 slots, when official eMule opens 24 slots. ZZUL only opens new slots if necessary to use the configured bandwidth. Upload slot focusing version 2 is available in this patch. Version 1 is used in eMule Plus (and others?). You can see which upload that has the highest priority by checking the number in the "Slot #" column. Slot #1 get all bandwidth it can handle. Slot #2 gets any leftovers after slot #1 has taken what it wants, etc.
When you download a file, it is good for you to give all chunks you already have of that file to other clients as soon as possible. As soon as you have spread your chunks, the other clients will actually help you to download the chunks you are missing. Then you can get those chunks from them (and fast, since you now have good credits with them). It will also be easier for you to get the chunks from the original source, now that is no longer busy uploading chunks that you already have, to other clients. So set your upload speed as high as possible!
eMule 0.49c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.9.8
This changelog reflect changes since version 1.9.6
Some minor fixes and new code base
Again using 7Zip format
This changelog reflect changes since version 1.9.6
Some minor fixes and new code base
Again using 7Zip format
FrostWire 4.18.0
FrostWire 4.18.0 is finally out for Windows, Mac and Linux. Among the most important changes are:
Fixes Bittorrent Incompatibilities.
Mac launcher fixes bug where FrostWire would not allow itself to run on a external disk.
Fixes bug on Welcome Screen, now you don’t need to open FrostWire twice to get the latest welcome screen.
FrostWire caches the last 2 images shown on the Welcome Screen to save bandwidth from static servers.
Tools > Check for Updates. Now FrostWire can check for configuration updates, community messages, new FrostWire releases and welcome screen promotion updates during runtime.
The welcome screen can be customized for every language, giving the chance to more content creators to be promoted every week to different audiences that speak their language.
The Buttons of the Download Manager have been rearranged to avoid mistakes when trying to resume downloads. The Clear and Cancel Buttons are all the way to the right. Thanks to ’ssome’ for the suggestion.
New Splash Screen.
Anti spam filters updated to filter out new keywords used by spammers.
New “Buy” icon.
The community chat ‘Connect’ button now checks if a nickname has been set and helps the user set a default nickname using an input dialog.
When users issue the “/nick” command on the chat, FrostWire will remember the new nickname as the default nickname.
A little more on these updates
Some bugs on the Bittorrent implementation were causing CPU usage to go to 100%, also torrents created with KTorrent presented some incompatibilities that are now fixed. Thanks to FTA for these patches. There’s also some work that exists on the code that will allow FrostWire to let the user download only certain files shared by a torrent. This is useful if you find a torrent with multiple files and you only care about a few of them. Since we need a little more testing for this feature it’s dormant on 4.18.0. FrostWire hackers can play with the code and enable it.
After Unpack200 was introduced for all the FrostWire jars to reduce the installer size we imposed a limitation on the Mac installer that allowed FrostWire to be run (the first time) only from the Applications folder. This limitation is now gone thanks to users that complained when 4.17.2 came out. You can now install FrostWire on your Mac on any folder, including external drives, USB drives, etc.
The integration between and the FrostWire welcome screen will be far more effective as of 4.18.0. Before 4.18.0 FrostWire users would not see the latest promotion from downloads until they’d open FrostWire a second time. Now, the minute a promotion is launched from FrostClick, 4.18.0 will be able to display the featured download and independent artists and free content owners will see the benefits of FrostWire/Frostclick free promotions a lot faster. Also, promotions can now be distributed to different languages so FrostWire communities in other countries will also be able to enjoy content in their own language, opening the stage for more artists per month. The images for promotions are now cached on disk, thus giving a much needed bandwidth relief to the Frostclick/FrostWire servers.
A subtle change on the interface has been implemented. Some users complained about the ordering of the buttons on the download manager, it was causing some of the users to get confused and cancel their downloads. Buttons have been re-arranged so that this doesn’t happen. Also the “Buy Item” button has a more visible icon now.
New users not familiar with IRC terminology got lost in the process of setting up a nickname joining the chat community (since they’d skip steps on the setup wizard and not enter a default nickname). Now FrostWire checks if you have set up or not your chat nickname. If you have not, a friendly dialog will let you set your default nickname before Connecting to the Chatroom. No more, Tools > Options … and restarting needed to join the chat for the first time. Also, when you change your nick using the “/nick” irc command, FrostWire will notice the nick change, and save the new nickname as the new default nickname. Next time you open frostwire, you won’t have to issue the “/nick” command again.
Other than these there are a lot of internal updates and new dormant functionality that subversion followers may have noticed in the code base during the winter months. These game changing upgrades are of such importance that we are leaving them for the FrostWire 5.0 series.
Stay tuned for a few 4.18 releases that will deal directly with spam issues, and order your free stickers before they run out, make sure you send us your pictures.
Fixes Bittorrent Incompatibilities.
Mac launcher fixes bug where FrostWire would not allow itself to run on a external disk.
Fixes bug on Welcome Screen, now you don’t need to open FrostWire twice to get the latest welcome screen.
FrostWire caches the last 2 images shown on the Welcome Screen to save bandwidth from static servers.
Tools > Check for Updates. Now FrostWire can check for configuration updates, community messages, new FrostWire releases and welcome screen promotion updates during runtime.
The welcome screen can be customized for every language, giving the chance to more content creators to be promoted every week to different audiences that speak their language.
The Buttons of the Download Manager have been rearranged to avoid mistakes when trying to resume downloads. The Clear and Cancel Buttons are all the way to the right. Thanks to ’ssome’ for the suggestion.
New Splash Screen.
Anti spam filters updated to filter out new keywords used by spammers.
New “Buy” icon.
The community chat ‘Connect’ button now checks if a nickname has been set and helps the user set a default nickname using an input dialog.
When users issue the “/nick” command on the chat, FrostWire will remember the new nickname as the default nickname.
A little more on these updates
Some bugs on the Bittorrent implementation were causing CPU usage to go to 100%, also torrents created with KTorrent presented some incompatibilities that are now fixed. Thanks to FTA for these patches. There’s also some work that exists on the code that will allow FrostWire to let the user download only certain files shared by a torrent. This is useful if you find a torrent with multiple files and you only care about a few of them. Since we need a little more testing for this feature it’s dormant on 4.18.0. FrostWire hackers can play with the code and enable it.
After Unpack200 was introduced for all the FrostWire jars to reduce the installer size we imposed a limitation on the Mac installer that allowed FrostWire to be run (the first time) only from the Applications folder. This limitation is now gone thanks to users that complained when 4.17.2 came out. You can now install FrostWire on your Mac on any folder, including external drives, USB drives, etc.
The integration between and the FrostWire welcome screen will be far more effective as of 4.18.0. Before 4.18.0 FrostWire users would not see the latest promotion from downloads until they’d open FrostWire a second time. Now, the minute a promotion is launched from FrostClick, 4.18.0 will be able to display the featured download and independent artists and free content owners will see the benefits of FrostWire/Frostclick free promotions a lot faster. Also, promotions can now be distributed to different languages so FrostWire communities in other countries will also be able to enjoy content in their own language, opening the stage for more artists per month. The images for promotions are now cached on disk, thus giving a much needed bandwidth relief to the Frostclick/FrostWire servers.
A subtle change on the interface has been implemented. Some users complained about the ordering of the buttons on the download manager, it was causing some of the users to get confused and cancel their downloads. Buttons have been re-arranged so that this doesn’t happen. Also the “Buy Item” button has a more visible icon now.
New users not familiar with IRC terminology got lost in the process of setting up a nickname joining the chat community (since they’d skip steps on the setup wizard and not enter a default nickname). Now FrostWire checks if you have set up or not your chat nickname. If you have not, a friendly dialog will let you set your default nickname before Connecting to the Chatroom. No more, Tools > Options … and restarting needed to join the chat for the first time. Also, when you change your nick using the “/nick” irc command, FrostWire will notice the nick change, and save the new nickname as the new default nickname. Next time you open frostwire, you won’t have to issue the “/nick” command again.
Other than these there are a lot of internal updates and new dormant functionality that subversion followers may have noticed in the code base during the winter months. These game changing upgrades are of such importance that we are leaving them for the FrostWire 5.0 series.
Stay tuned for a few 4.18 releases that will deal directly with spam issues, and order your free stickers before they run out, make sure you send us your pictures.
eMule 0.49c benkei by gentil_monsieur
- compiled with vs08 // Sins
- Sorting fix - SortProc // moloko+
- fix webservice // stulle
- no upload // Sins
- fake rank // Sins
- no share complete files // Sins
- no publish files // Sins
- change mod name // Darksky
- change defaut settings in opcodes.h , etc... // Sins
- auto reload shared file // Sins
- change defaut buffer size // Sins
- no ratio // Sins
- change some icons // Sins
- sources management // Sins
- drop system // Sins
- random reask // Darksky
- fake system // Darksky
- show others mods version // Sins
- change splashscreen // NoXZ
- don't send xs // Sins
- SLS // Sins
- autohl // Darksky
- DiffQR // pP
- global HardLimit // Sins
下载: Pass: seba14
- compiled with vs08 // Sins
- Sorting fix - SortProc // moloko+
- fix webservice // stulle
- no upload // Sins
- fake rank // Sins
- no share complete files // Sins
- no publish files // Sins
- change mod name // Darksky
- change defaut settings in opcodes.h , etc... // Sins
- auto reload shared file // Sins
- change defaut buffer size // Sins
- no ratio // Sins
- change some icons // Sins
- sources management // Sins
- drop system // Sins
- random reask // Darksky
- fake system // Darksky
- show others mods version // Sins
- change splashscreen // NoXZ
- don't send xs // Sins
- SLS // Sins
- autohl // Darksky
- DiffQR // pP
- global HardLimit // Sins
下载: Pass: seba14
eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.3 by morph4u
+ Server Message Filter
+ Changed Optionspages
+ Removed forgotten USS code in Extended Options
+ Server Message Filter
+ Changed Optionspages
+ Removed forgotten USS code in Extended Options
Leecher & dlp,天平的两端是什么?
从当年用官方eMule开始到后来接触到真正“技术”的CN-Mod,测试过的Mods已不下40多种了,其中多半是Leecher(吸血驴),曾经痴迷于leecher超快的下载上传速度和“随心所欲”似的功能。看着众多eMule论坛对吸血驴“破口大骂”,有些关于leecher的话想对各位驴友说:1. 真正的吸血驴不指迅雷,快车,旋风和哇嘎之类的多协议软件,如果是多协议软件就是吸血驴,那么世界上这么多多协议软件是不是都是吸血?eMule官方承认的MLdonkey和Shareaza怎么办?(血泪和哇嘎对ed2k网络的破坏,被ban也是理所当然)
2. 真正的吸血驴是封不了的。(只要设置正确,不管是DLP还是Argos)这一点100%。不要以为反吸血插件是万能的。随便想想就有10种以上基于eMule修改的Leecher封不了。(CN的DLP封杀效果最好)
3. 吸血驴也有很多种,有些是只下载一点都不上传,有些则是发布级别的leecher。很多leecher上传速度都很快,拥有甚至比正规驴都完善的发布功能及特性。真正好的几款leecher都是“攻守兼备”。
4. 如果不上传就是leecher,那么我请问:我用VeryCD限速10K上传,和我用吸血驴128K上传,哪个是leecher? Leecher有很多原因,例如对其它用户和整个网络的干扰等等。光凭不上传就判为leecher,太片面了吧!
5. 共享无国界,何况是软件呢!我用CN发布资源从来不开反吸血,爱谁来谁来。目的是发布资源!?还有想看看封杀了多少迅雷?Anti-leecher和leecher,有竞争才能促进eMule的发展,如果吸血是不按规则游戏,那么反吸血也是不按规则游戏,两个是一样的。这就是官方保持中立,不反吸血的原因。
知己知彼百战不殆,我们是真正的吸血驴,我们永远不会被ban。这里是我威震天的博客,汇集各大欧洲吸血论坛发布的Mod和我多年的使用经验。Leecher & dlp,天平的两端是什么?是相等的,平衡的,没有胜负。
eMule 0.49c Apace V1.4
Apace V1.4
+ Design Settings
+ Open Log Folder from Tools button
+ Higher Values for SLS
+ Variable Reasktime
+ Changes in Optionspages
aMule 2.2.5——the all-platform eMule-like P2P client
It came invisible, it came inaudible.
It came fast and still it was slow.
It wasn't expected ever.
It's aMule-2.2.5 - "never say never".
This version fixes some serious bugs of the previous release. You're strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Please see the Changelog for details.
Grab the sources or official packages at the download page or check the forum for user contributed packages.
You can get the sources also via ed2k://|file|aMule-2.2.5.tar.bz2|4715858|F8476C92A07E5C317C63098842319E97|/
It came fast and still it was slow.
It wasn't expected ever.
It's aMule-2.2.5 - "never say never".
This version fixes some serious bugs of the previous release. You're strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Please see the Changelog for details.
Grab the sources or official packages at the download page or check the forum for user contributed packages.
You can get the sources also via ed2k://|file|aMule-2.2.5.tar.bz2|4715858|F8476C92A07E5C317C63098842319E97|/
iMule 1.4.0——Anonymous eMule
IMule is an eMule like filesharing software running on top of the I2P anonymity network.
This is a mirror with the ed2k-Hash-Link of http://www.imule.i2p
你是否担心使用eMule(电骡)非法下载或共享文件而被学校警告,被isp断网,遭到起诉,或者不得不使用更大容量的ipfilter,甚至使用付费匿名网络?尝试一下基于i2p网络(The Invisible Internet Project )的文件共享客户端iMule。i2p是一个免费和开源的项目,致力于建立一个匿名的网络,以便大家可以匿名的进行诸如IRC聊天,共享文件,发送电子邮件,http下载,bt下载等传统网络应用。你可以把iMule当作是一个匿名的eMule客户端(注:emule-project明确过emule官方永远不会考虑匿名网络),iMule支持linux和windows平台。
Change log:
less overhead in kad requests (bug corrected)
datagram size is limited to 10kB, because bigger datagrams cause routers to crash
new communication protocol with the I2P server : SAM V3
Important : If you use the external I2P server 0.7.2 (available at, you have to download from iMule site and extract that file in the "libs" folder of your I2P server. This probably won't be needed anymore with I2P 0.7.3.
All files are available from iMule site : link: http://www.imule.i2p/download.php
This is a mirror with the ed2k-Hash-Link of http://www.imule.i2p
你是否担心使用eMule(电骡)非法下载或共享文件而被学校警告,被isp断网,遭到起诉,或者不得不使用更大容量的ipfilter,甚至使用付费匿名网络?尝试一下基于i2p网络(The Invisible Internet Project )的文件共享客户端iMule。i2p是一个免费和开源的项目,致力于建立一个匿名的网络,以便大家可以匿名的进行诸如IRC聊天,共享文件,发送电子邮件,http下载,bt下载等传统网络应用。你可以把iMule当作是一个匿名的eMule客户端(注:emule-project明确过emule官方永远不会考虑匿名网络),iMule支持linux和windows平台。
Change log:
less overhead in kad requests (bug corrected)
datagram size is limited to 10kB, because bigger datagrams cause routers to crash
new communication protocol with the I2P server : SAM V3
Important : If you use the external I2P server 0.7.2 (available at, you have to download from iMule site and extract that file in the "libs" folder of your I2P server. This probably won't be needed anymore with I2P 0.7.3.
All files are available from iMule site : link: http://www.imule.i2p/download.php
eMule 0.49b ZZ-R 1.9 设置教程(威震天原创)
用Leecher Mods这么多年,ZZ-R是我最喜欢的系列,下载上传速度快,热门源能跟迅雷拚,稀有源也要比正规驴快,ZZ-R包含了所有实用的功能。今天我发布原创的ZZ-R 1.9设置教程,为刚刚进入吸血世界的驴友,面对吸血驴繁琐的设置提供方便。1.9是49b的最后一个版本,从2.0开始是49c,以后的版本我会出新的教程的。
提示:在正在下载的文件上点击右键,找到“权限”Show Premission,然后选择“隐藏”Hidden,这样就可以实现“零”上传了。
客户端版本号(ModString)处自己按喜好设置,例如:Xtreme 9.9或CHN 7.513,但不要用非常特殊或已经被加入反吸血插件的特征。
提示:在正在下载的文件上点击右键,找到“权限”Show Premission,然后选择“隐藏”Hidden,这样就可以实现“零”上传了。
电骡功能介绍——Intelligent Chunk Selection
With Intelligent Chunk Selection users exchange informations about which chunk is being downloaded at the moment, then a user can choose the less-downloaded (priority: spread the file faster).
In ICS the user preference "first/last chunk" catches only when there are no rare chunks (priority: spread the file).
In release mode, the shortest-to-complete chunk that is not being downloaded at the moment by any other client is selected.
This increases the probability you and the other clients download different chunks and keep (globally) a complete source for the file, even if a couple of sources become unavailable.
- You get a detailed view of parts spreading with double click on file in shared files window
There are three possibilities:
- RELEASE: complete sources <= 3: priority to upload/download the rarest chunks
- SPREAD: complete sources between 4 and 10: small chunks first, rare chunks later
- SHARE: complete sources over 10: normal behaviour (ECS or first/last)
SUQWT的全称是Save Upload Queue Wait Time,是由著名的意大利小组enkeyDEV开发的。此功能可以形象的比喻为:你用一件物品为你在某地保留了一个位置,当你不在,你的东西不动,而其他人在周围移动。
Save Upload Queue Wait Time (SUQWT)
Basically, Save Upload Queue Waiting time allows one to carry wait time from previous dead-end upload queue waiting sessions over to the next upload queue sessions until one manages to get through the upload queue, somewhat like holding a spot in a waiting line by using your gym bag or other article - if you're not there, the bag stays there and people move around it. (in an ideal civilized world anyway)
Save Upload Queue Wait Time (SUQWT)
Ever tried to get some rare files using eMule only to see sources quit on you after waiting for days to get from #6000 to #500? Well, with SUQWT, this is not going to be as much of a problem anymore. How does SUQWT
- Client A is sharing some rare files with a queue of 5000 and an average uptime of 20-30 hours and an average downtime of 10-20h.
- When joining the queue without SLS, you always end up around 5000 unless you get a lucky shot and it takes 24h to get to 4000, at which point the source disappears.
- Next time the source comes back, instead of having an initial wait time of 0h, you are at 24h and will start at around 4000. By the time the source disappears again, you might manage to reach 3000. Without SUQWT, you would again go back to ~5000 the next time you find the source.
- Step #3 repeats until you get a send slot and have a successful upload session.
- After the session has ended, the wait time are reset and the cycle restarts anew for the next session.
Basically, SUQWT allows one to carry wait time from previous dead-end upload queue waiting sessions over to the next upload queue sessions until one manages to get through the upload queue, somewhat like holding a spot in a waiting line by using your gym bag or other article - if you're not there, the bag stays there and people move around it. (in an ideal civilized world anyway) |}
SUQWT saves each upload queue client's wait time when it exits the upload queue and restore it the next time the client comes back in the queue. You can take advantage of this feature only if the clients your are downloading from have activated SUQWT.
电骡功能介绍—— Share Only The Need
Share only the need是另一个可以帮助发布文件的功能,同样只能在100%的文件上使用。如果排队列表里的用户都没有某一个文件块,此功能将只显示这部分文件块并把其它部分全部隐藏。
Worst case with HideOS: the clients you've just uploaded 100Mb or more to might have gone offline or stopped the file so the other clients must wait for HideOS to rotate the chunks that have been hidden, whereas SON will just upload the chunks that all clients are missing (it can be used with HideOS as well, SON will start first then HideOS will once everyone has a chunk of your file).
Share Only the Need Hides chunks already gotten by queued clients. eMule works out from what clients it has seen in queue if every one is missing the same chunks, it will hide all chunks that at least one client has got and show chunks that no-one has.
Abbrevition: SON/SOTN
This is only used for complete files.
If no chunks need hiding, SON will turn off (if HideOS is on, it will trigger on, SON will trigger First if both are on).
Hidden chunks are shown in purple in the spread bar with SON (purple is hidden, white is not hidden and black is what the other client has).
Share Only the Need will always make sure chunks that no-one has got get uploaded first so they can be shared with other clients faster. (Also other clients will always see a complete source with SON, with HideOS, it is not seen complete until it has uploaded the file to all clients so many times).
Worst case with HideOS: the clients you've just uploaded 100Mb or more to might have gone offline or stopped the file so the other clients must wait for HideOS to rotate the chunks that have been hidden, whereas SON will just upload the chunks that all clients are missing (it can be used with HideOS as well, SON will start first then HideOS will once everyone has a chunk of your file).
电骡功能介绍——Spread bar
传播条很像下载文件的进度条,在共享文件目录中,记录并显示某个共享文件的文件块的上传次数(上传文件块的历史记录),Spread bar可以与其它功能结合,实现更好的上传分布。
What is. The spread-bar is a rectangular image, similar to that of the progress of a download, sandwiched between the columns of the "shared files". Its purpose is to visually show how many times it has been sent each chunk of a shared file.How it works: This bar is colored in black and initially means that no chunk of the file was posted. As you send the parts of a file, the corresponding segments of the bar are colored blue. Several times a chunk is sent, the more the color will become a deep blue.
How you use. As this post involves some use of resources (especially CPU), usually you can choose to activate it or not, for all shared files, and for each file. E 'can also reset the bar of a file and start over.
Normally, the spread-bar is present in the MOD who have also overshare, since both functions draw from the same information, the number of times that each chunk has been sent.
eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.2
+ Codechanges for SysInfo/vs2003/Win7
+ Modeless Dialogs
+ Auto Restart If Necessary
+ Open Log Folder from Tools button
- Removed TBH Minimule
+ Some fixes and codecleanings
eMule v0.49c StulleMule V6.2 Plus by Engo3K
eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 Plus Version
Engo3K +Features 18.05.09
added clientupload time for blocked clients [5-360] mins
changed filereasktime [21-55] mins
changed englisch feedback to Ultimativ-mod format (de)
changed language de_DE.dll
added: choosable modstring
added: customable priority
added: upload priority in downloadlist
added: push part files
removed: friends resrtictions
removed: powershare resrtictions
removed: Release Boost resrtictions for partfile
removed: PBF resrtictions
changed: SlotLimiter from min.60 to 1-255
changed: datarate pro client now
changed: leecher standard reduce score from 33% to 10%
added: don't remove spare trickle slot in uploadList (for use client datarate)
added: reasksingle client (downloadList)
added: Drop/Swap Client in Transfer Windows/to another File
added: Kick sngle client from upload
added: Kick all upload slots
added: ban client (all list)
added: clear banlist
added: push client to upload (queuelist)
added: unlimited slot
added: friend boost *200
added: Nick boost *200
added: multichunk transfer
added: antinick punish
added: antimod punish
added: queuerang full punish
added: Up2Mule
added: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) ,IP ,UserNick ,UserHash ,Clienversion all copyable
added: active permission
added: see OnUploadqueue and feedback
added: colors for antinick/antimod/QR-full/Nick boost/unlimited slot
removed: Ultimativ as bad Nick/UltiMatic as bad mod
remowed: other release bad Mod/Nick's
电骡功能介绍——Selective Chunk Sharing
This additional option for Hide Hiding Overshares Before, to increase their effectiveness, and applies only to files that already have 100%. The complete file which is assigned the HOS + SCS are immediately seen by users in the queue as if we had incomplete (if using only the HOS, initially seen as a source would be complete and then become incomplete when the HOS begins to hide some parts).
In practice, for each user in the queue is revealed only one chunk at a time, and possibilemte a different segment ciacuno.
Note: the principle of eMule, which is based on this function, the sources of an incomplete file can exchange among themselves the parts that have already downloaded. Therefore, in principle, to those who publish online a new file send only once every part of it, so then the users in the queue to complete the file, downloading / sending the parties to each other with each other.
In practice, for each user in the queue is revealed only one chunk at a time, and possibilemte a different segment ciacuno.
Note: the principle of eMule, which is based on this function, the sources of an incomplete file can exchange among themselves the parts that have already downloaded. Therefore, in principle, to those who publish online a new file send only once every part of it, so then the users in the queue to complete the file, downloading / sending the parties to each other with each other.
emule 0.49c OFF+ public
update to emule 0.49b
Remove Official UPNP
Remove Spam Message for the banned users
Update Spammer list
Fix bug in SLS
Update NickThief Community
change Kick After 2.1Mo
Update Drop Auto
Anonym Mod (or Random Modstring)
Change ClientPercentages // MorphXT
Download from Banned Clients
Directory vista official fix (godlaugh2007)
eMule 0.49c DaRk MysteRy 1.0 by umek
ADDED: MysteRy-SplashScreen (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-SideBanner (umeK)
ADDED: ModVersion System (MaeLLa/changes by umeK)
ADDED: Random Modstring (umeK)
ADDED: Kick System (umeK)
ADDED: NickAddon-Thief (umeK)
ADDED: Fake eChanblard Community (umeK)
ADDED: Share Options [under Extended] (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-CreditSystem (umeK)
ADDED: MysteRy-Upload Management (umeK)
ADDED: eMulate other (Spike2/changes by umeK)
ADDED: ECR (Spike2)
ADDED: Larger Filebuffer (pP)
ADDED: better passive source finding (Xman)
ADDED: find best sources (Xman)
ADDED: DynamicBlockRequests (Netfinity)
ADDED: UDP-FNF Fix (Xman/WiZaRd)
ADDED: some Improvements on Listensocket (MaeLLa/Xman)
ADDED: ThreadSafe Fix (Xman/idea WiZ?)
ADDED: SLS (Xman/enkeyDev)
ADDED: Winsock2 support (eWombat)
ADDED: ClipStats (WiZ/changes by umeK)
ADDED: Auto Kad Firewall Recheck (?)
ADDED: Reconnect on Kad
ADDED: Total Up/Down [queue & uploadlist]
ADDED: Remote Queue Status [queue & uploadlist]
ADDED: some Optimizations, Fixes and Improvements (WiZaRd,Xman,MaeLLa,Netfinity etc..)
OPTIMIZED: Sources Management [Kad,Reasks,etc.] (umeK)
REMOVED: some Official Upload stuff… (umeK)
REMOVED: official Ratio (umeK)
REMOVED: Send Mail (umeK)
REMOVED: VersionsCheck (umeK)
REMOVED: Text to Speech (umeK)
REMOVED: Help (umeK)
CHANGED: Waitingqueue range (umeK)
CHANGED: Some Icons (umeK)
CHANGED: Some default options (umeK)
CHANGED: many other things around the source….
电骡功能介绍——Hide overshare (Hos)
As we know, the files shared by eMule are transferred subdividing them into segments, in English "chunk", of size equal to approximately 9.28 MB. After a user receives a chunk, back in the queue to ask a possibly more if available.
Function Hide Overshares Before Hiding aims to maximize the dissemination of the chunk. E 'is ideal for releasers, namely those who publish new files on the network, but can be useful for any other file.
The principle of eMule, which is based on this feature is that the sources of an incomplete file can exchange among themselves the parts that have already downloaded. Therefore, in principle, to those who publish online a new file is sufficient to send only once every part of it, so then the users in the queue to complete the file, downloading / sending the parties to each other with each other.
In practical terms it is given the number of times that each chunk is sent, and the HOS is to hide the parts of a file that have already been asked a number of times, depending on the value that we assign to the function for HOS a specific file.
For example, if we set HOS = 2 to a file, each chunk of that file can be initially sent to up to 2 times, after being hidden in favor of other parties that have not yet been asked 2 times. Only when all the chunks have been sent 2 times, the counter is reset and restarted from scratch.
Note in particular that HOS is set to 1, the file must be sent once in every part, after which all parties to return as shared. Or rather, every part is no longer shared until they were sent all the others. This must reflect on the fact that the HOS is a function that is used in a conscious way.
Note1: The mod that has this feature also have the Spread Bar (bar spread), because as I said first you need to keep track of the number of times that each chunk is sent.
As we know, the files shared by eMule are transferred subdividing them into segments, in English "chunk", of size equal to approximately 9.28 MB. After a user receives a chunk, back in the queue to ask a possibly more if available.
Function Hide Overshares Before Hiding aims to maximize the dissemination of the chunk. E 'is ideal for releasers, namely those who publish new files on the network, but can be useful for any other file.
The principle of eMule, which is based on this feature is that the sources of an incomplete file can exchange among themselves the parts that have already downloaded. Therefore, in principle, to those who publish online a new file is sufficient to send only once every part of it, so then the users in the queue to complete the file, downloading / sending the parties to each other with each other.
In practical terms it is given the number of times that each chunk is sent, and the HOS is to hide the parts of a file that have already been asked a number of times, depending on the value that we assign to the function for HOS a specific file.
For example, if we set HOS = 2 to a file, each chunk of that file can be initially sent to up to 2 times, after being hidden in favor of other parties that have not yet been asked 2 times. Only when all the chunks have been sent 2 times, the counter is reset and restarted from scratch.
Note in particular that HOS is set to 1, the file must be sent once in every part, after which all parties to return as shared. Or rather, every part is no longer shared until they were sent all the others. This must reflect on the fact that the HOS is a function that is used in a conscious way.
Note1: The mod that has this feature also have the Spread Bar (bar spread), because as I said first you need to keep track of the number of times that each chunk is sent.
电骡功能介绍——Emulate Others
Emulate Others 功能允许你伪装成其它ed2k网络的客户端,这样可以改善彼此之间的兼容性。
The emulation function allows you to simulate the behavior of other clients compatible with the eDonkey network in the code, this improves the overall performance of the mod because some ed2k client in their upload queue handle so privileged users who have their own version.
So, for example, an eDonkey client will see our version, not as such, but as if it were the eDonkey program and then an eDonkey client will put us in the queue just as if we were one of them.
The emulation function allows you to simulate the behavior of other clients compatible with the eDonkey network in the code, this improves the overall performance of the mod because some ed2k client in their upload queue handle so privileged users who have their own version.
So, for example, an eDonkey client will see our version, not as such, but as if it were the eDonkey program and then an eDonkey client will put us in the queue just as if we were one of them.
Shareaza SBI-Leecher 1.1.5
Changelog / Features:
+ Ed2k Multi Server Connection & requests
+ Generation of new GUID (automatic or manual)
+ Community Nick Addons Thief
+ Emule mods recognition
+ Settable emule modstring (random or manual)
+ Fakerank
+ Extended Modthief
+ HashThief
+ Upload kick after X MB sent
+ Fake Tracker reports: fake upload speed
+ Fake Tracker Reports: fake upload speed after % download completed
+ Random user-limited variations around fake tracker report values
* Major bug in fake tracker reports when original Shareaza peer id sended
* Minor bug in BitTornado spoof
* Decreased ed2k source exchange time
UDP Reask FNF-Fix
search :
#include "Log.h"
add under:
#include "UploadQueue.h"
AddDebugLogLine(DLP_LOW, false, _T("UDP FNF-Answer: %s - %s"),DbgGetClientInfo(), DbgGetFileInfo(reqfile ? reqfile->GetFileHash() : NULL));
add under:
if(reqfile && GetUploadState()!=US_NONE)
CKnownFile* upfile = theApp.sharedfiles->GetFileByID(GetUploadFileID());
if(upfile && upfile == reqfile) //we speak about the same file
AddLogLine(false,_T("Dropped src: (%s) does not seem to have own reqfile!"), DbgGetClientInfo());
theApp.uploadqueue->RemoveFromUploadQueue(this, _T("Src says he does not have the file he's dl'ing"));
search :
#include "Log.h"
add under:
#include "UploadQueue.h"
AddDebugLogLine(DLP_LOW, false, _T("UDP FNF-Answer: %s - %s"),DbgGetClientInfo(), DbgGetFileInfo(reqfile ? reqfile->GetFileHash() : NULL));
add under:
if(reqfile && GetUploadState()!=US_NONE)
CKnownFile* upfile = theApp.sharedfiles->GetFileByID(GetUploadFileID());
if(upfile && upfile == reqfile) //we speak about the same file
AddLogLine(false,_T("Dropped src: (%s) does not seem to have own reqfile!"), DbgGetClientInfo());
theApp.uploadqueue->RemoveFromUploadQueue(this, _T("Src says he does not have the file he's dl'ing"));
emule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.1 Final
ZZ-R V2.1
+ New Systray Icon
+ Design settings for Commmuntylist
+ Changed/removed some Design-Settings code
+ Manual reask Sever/KAD
+ Share settings
+ Some little fixes
Please make a cleaninstall !!!
ZZ-R V2.1 beta 3 (eMule 0.49c)
+ changed options window
+ changed Communitylist
+ some changes for better performance
- removed friends on queue window
- removed backup
- removed antimod/comm
eMule 0.49c Apace V1.3 Final
Apace V1.3
+ Advanced Transfer Windows Layout
+ Uploadcode compared and updated to ZZUL code
+ Remove bad Blockratio
+ Min. Uploadslots
Apace V1.3
+ Advanced Transfer Windows Layout
+ Uploadcode compared and updated to ZZUL code
+ Remove bad Blockratio
+ Min. Uploadslots
eMule 0.49c Alias 1.1 by pP
[+] Dynamic Block Requests [Netfinity]
[+] Source Drops
[+] Timed updates for IPFilter
[+] ClientAnalyzer [Wizard]
[+] Mod Preferences
[+] Localized resource strings
[+] Preferences Sidebanner [emf]
[+] Preferences Slidebar [emf]
[~] Full Modstring in Downloadlistctrl
[+] New Modstring columns elsewhere
[+] FunnyNicks [xrmb]
[+] ModIconMapper [Wizard]
[+] IP2Country [EastShare]
[+] Flags on Files (Origin) [Wizard]
[+] ClientSoftIcons
[+] Colored Active Downloads (File-/Username only)
[+] Bold Active Downloads (File-/Username only)
[+] DiffQR with Icons [based on JvA]
[+] Cached ScoreRatios [idea by Wizard]
[+] Own ScoreRatio [vqb]
[-] Official Ratio [please read the next line before banning!!]
[+] Active Ratio [Netfinity]
[+] Download Dutch dll on 1st start
[+] ModLog
[+] Ul/Dl Columns with ratio
[+] Startup flood preventions [Wizard]
[+] AutoHL
[+] SlotControl/SlotSpeedControl
[+] Auto download priorities
[+] Slotfocus in Uploadlist
[+] Friendcontrols in all Clientlists
[+] Winsock v2 Support [Ewombat]
[+] Connchecker [Ewombat/emf]
[+] RMod Connectionstate icons [funnypixel]
[+] SaveLoadSources [enkydev]
[^] Auto download priorities, Dynamic mode added.
[+] Filestats [Icecream/Morphxt]
[+] Powershare with statistics
[+] AutoHL with some adaptions
[+] CReport
[+] SUIBan against uncounted uploads
[+] Applejuice Detection [from xman1's DLP]
[+] Seperate LeechLog for AntiLeech outputs
[+] Detection and ModIcons for Al!as/R-Mods
[+] Reask Queue/srcs after IP change [Stulle]
[+] Modstats [TPT]
[+] SystemInfo Class for CReport [$icK$/Stulle]
[+] BadClientFlag [Wizard]
[+] Identify eMule plus [Spike2]
[+] Intelligent Chnk Selection ICS [EnkeyDev]
LoID ot HiID auto callback [L2HAC] ?
...and we're done.
[+] Dynamic Block Requests [Netfinity]
[+] Source Drops
[+] Timed updates for IPFilter
[+] ClientAnalyzer [Wizard]
[+] Mod Preferences
[+] Localized resource strings
[+] Preferences Sidebanner [emf]
[+] Preferences Slidebar [emf]
[~] Full Modstring in Downloadlistctrl
[+] New Modstring columns elsewhere
[+] FunnyNicks [xrmb]
[+] ModIconMapper [Wizard]
[+] IP2Country [EastShare]
[+] Flags on Files (Origin) [Wizard]
[+] ClientSoftIcons
[+] Colored Active Downloads (File-/Username only)
[+] Bold Active Downloads (File-/Username only)
[+] DiffQR with Icons [based on JvA]
[+] Cached ScoreRatios [idea by Wizard]
[+] Own ScoreRatio [vqb]
[-] Official Ratio [please read the next line before banning!!]
[+] Active Ratio [Netfinity]
[+] Download Dutch dll on 1st start
[+] ModLog
[+] Ul/Dl Columns with ratio
[+] Startup flood preventions [Wizard]
[+] AutoHL
[+] SlotControl/SlotSpeedControl
[+] Auto download priorities
[+] Slotfocus in Uploadlist
[+] Friendcontrols in all Clientlists
[+] Winsock v2 Support [Ewombat]
[+] Connchecker [Ewombat/emf]
[+] RMod Connectionstate icons [funnypixel]
[+] SaveLoadSources [enkydev]
[^] Auto download priorities, Dynamic mode added.
[+] Filestats [Icecream/Morphxt]
[+] Powershare with statistics
[+] AutoHL with some adaptions
[+] CReport
[+] SUIBan against uncounted uploads
[+] Applejuice Detection [from xman1's DLP]
[+] Seperate LeechLog for AntiLeech outputs
[+] Detection and ModIcons for Al!as/R-Mods
[+] Reask Queue/srcs after IP change [Stulle]
[+] Modstats [TPT]
[+] SystemInfo Class for CReport [$icK$/Stulle]
[+] BadClientFlag [Wizard]
[+] Identify eMule plus [Spike2]
[+] Intelligent Chnk Selection ICS [EnkeyDev]
LoID ot HiID auto callback [L2HAC] ?
...and we're done.
eMule 0.49c PRO v1.1
Changelog: v1.1
community speed
antileech update
Changelog: v1.0
codebase 0.49c
Highspeed download
Dynamic Block Request
emulate other clients
UP/DOWN chunk display
Client percentage
CryptNet support
博文 (Atom)