This site is for P2P development and test software ONLY!

eMule 0.49c benkei by gentil_monsieur

- compiled with vs08 // Sins
- Sorting fix - SortProc // moloko+
- fix webservice // stulle
- no upload // Sins
- fake rank // Sins
- no share complete files // Sins
- no publish files // Sins
- change mod name // Darksky
- change defaut settings in opcodes.h , etc... // Sins
- auto reload shared file // Sins
- change defaut buffer size // Sins
- no ratio // Sins
- change some icons // Sins
- sources management // Sins
- drop system // Sins
- random reask // Darksky
- fake system // Darksky
- show others mods version // Sins
- change splashscreen // NoXZ
- don't send xs // Sins
- SLS // Sins
- autohl // Darksky
- DiffQR // pP
- global HardLimit // Sins

下载:  Pass: seba14

