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电骡功能介绍——Selective Chunk Sharing


This additional option for Hide Hiding Overshares Before, to increase their effectiveness, and applies only to files that already have 100%. The complete file which is assigned the HOS + SCS are immediately seen by users in the queue as if we had incomplete (if using only the HOS, initially seen as a source would be complete and then become incomplete when the HOS begins to hide some parts).
In practice, for each user in the queue is revealed only one chunk at a time, and possibilemte a different segment ciacuno.

Note: the principle of eMule, which is based on this function, the sources of an incomplete file can exchange among themselves the parts that have already downloaded. Therefore, in principle, to those who publish online a new file send only once every part of it, so then the users in the queue to complete the file, downloading / sending the parties to each other with each other.

